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Guru Cantik ini dihamili Siswanya

A gorgeous teacher impregnated with the law because students are only 13 years old. Teacher English teacher in Texas, USA, was accused of having sex with minors, so it should be punished. The beautiful teacher named Alexandria Vera (24). He was charged with molesting the students themselves who was a boy of 13 years. Vera affair with her students while still teaching at Stovall Middle Scholl in Harris County, Texas in the summer of last year.

Based on the recognition Vera to police, romance that lasted from September 2015 until the end of January 2016.

Vera admitted during illicit relationship. He had sex with his students every day. Because of the heat of their relationship, the teachers also got pregnant.
According to Vera, affair with the pupil is on the basis of love. Even Vera was introduced to the family of the student as a girlfriend.
Parents of the students also looks open to Vera. The proof, Vera always present at family occasions girlfriend youth.

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